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The Councillor for Festivals, Mariola Rocamora, and Councillor for Pedanías, Victor Valverde, have presented the fourth edition of ‘Semana Santa y Pasión en Pedanías’. The event consists of a series of musical performances in all districts of Orihuela, which will take place from 30 March to 13 April. “These concerts have already become a tradition in this time of Lent and this time there will be 31 concerts. We continue to bet on bringing the music of Easter to the districts,” said Rocamora.
After the success of past editions, it has been decided to repeat the activity, and thirteen groups will perform songs related to Easter. “I wish that the neighbors of the districts enjoy the music and feel this week so important for Orihuela in their places of residence,” said Valverde.
In this edition will participate the Singers of the Primitive Passion Federico Rogel; the Singers of the Passion; the Musical Association ‘Ntra. Sra. del Remedio’ of La Matanza; the Musical Union of San Bartolomé; the Musical Youth La Murada; the Banda de Cornetas y Tambores ‘Ntra. Sra. de Desamparados’; the Asociación Cultural Amigos de la Música y Danza de Orihuela (Coral ARS Armonium, Grupo Instrumental y Coro Voces Blancas); the Quinteto de Metales ‘Ginés Pérez de la Parra’; the Asociación Coro Mixto Santa Iglesia Catedral de Orihuela; and the Asociación Cultural ‘Coral Aleluya’ de Raiguero de Bonanza.

Rocamora and Valverde have finished highlighting "the coordination of the Department of Festivals and Pedanías, because it is very difficult to organize an event of these characteristics.
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